Curriculum vitae
Personal Details:
Dr. Md. Akhter Hossain Chowdhury
Department of Agricultural Chemistry
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
Tel: (091) 55 695 ext. 2383, Fax: (091) 55 810
Email: agchem@royalten.net
- 2000
- Ph.D.
Hiroshima University, Japan
- 1985
M.Sc. (Agric.) Agricultural Chemistry (Academic
year: 1984-85)
Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Bangladesh
- 1984
B.Sc.Agric. (Honours) (Academic year: 1980-84)
Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Bangladesh
Teaching Experience:
- 1999 - todate
- Associate Professor
Department of
Agricultural Chemistry
Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Bangladesh.
- 1991 - 1999
- Assistant Professor
Department of
Agricultural Chemistry
Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Bangladesh.
- 1988 - 1991
- Lecturer
Department of
Agricultural Chemistry
Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Bangladesh.
Research Experience:
Dec. 1994 - to date
Research Supervisor
Students, Dept. of Agril. Chemistry
Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Bangladesh.
1987 - 1988
NST Research Fellow
Ministry of
Education, Bangladesh.
Administrative Experience:
Dec. 1994 - Jan.1996
House Tutor
Fazlul Haque
Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Bangladesh.
Nov. 1989 - May.1992
House Tutor
Isha Khan Hall
Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Bangladesh.
Awards Received:
Monbusho Scholarship by Japan Goverment since 1996 to date
National Science and technology fellowship from 1987 to 1988, Ministry
of education, Bangladesh.
Membership in Scientific Societies:
Bangladesh Association for the advancement of science(BAAS),
Progressive Agriculturist, Bangladesh
Crop Science Society of Bangladesh(CSSB)
Training Courses attended:
Training course on " Administration, Office management and Communication"
during September 15 to 29, 1987 organized by graduate Training Institute,
Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Training course on " Usage of Microcomputers" during February 26 to March
08, 1990 organized by the Department of Farm Power and machinery, Bangladesh
Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Training course on "Teaching Methodology" during March 27 to April 07,
1994 organized by Graduate Training Institute, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Workshop-cum-training course on "Use of Thana land and Soil Resource Utilization
Guide" during March 29 to April 01, 1995 organized by graduate Training
Institute, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Chowdhury, M.A.H.; Chowdhury, A.K. and A.K.M.F. Azam.1995. Response of
wheat to zinc and phosphorus fertilization in a noncalcareous soil. Bangladesh
J. Agril. Sci. 22(2) : 315-320
Chowdhury, M.A.H.; Chowdhury, A.K. and M.R. Islam.1995. Zinc-phosphorus
interaction on dry matter and nutrient content of rice. Bangladesh J. Agril.
Sci. 22(2): 309-313
Chowdhury, A.K.; Chowdhury, M.A.H. and M.A. Hossain. 1995. Zinc distribution
among soil fractions as influenced by added zinc and phosphorus. Bangladesh
J. Agril. Sci. 22(1): 131-136
Chowdhury, A.K.M.S.H.; Mannan, M.A. and M.A.H. Chowdhury. 1993. Effect
of cultivars and plant population on leaf growth of beet. Pak. J. Agric.
Res. 14(1) : 72-76
Chowdhury, M.A.H.; Islam, M.T. and A.K. Majumder.1994. Nutrient composition
of rice as influenced by different carriers of sulphur. Bangladesh J. Training
and Development. 8(1) : 51-56
Chowdhury, M.A.H.; Islam, M.T. and A.K. Majumder.1994. Effect of some sources
of sulphur on the yield and yield attributes of rice. Bangladesh J. Training
and Development. 7(2) :
Chowdhury, M.A.H.; Talukder, N.M.; Chowdhury, A.K. and M.Z. Hossain.1995.
Effect of Ronstar on weed management, yield and nutrient uptake by rice.
Bangladesh J. Agril. Sci. 22(1) : 93-98
Taher, M.A.; Kibria, M.G.; Kashem, M.A. and M.A.H. Chowdhury. 1994. Effect
of cowdung on the abiotic and biotic factors of pond water. Thai J. Agril.
Sci. 27 : 13-18
Ali, M.S.; Talukder, N.M.; Kalam, M.A.; Chowdhury, M.A.H. and M.Z. Solaiman.1991.
Effect of urea-N application on the growth, yield and quality of potato
grown from TPS. Bangladesh Hort. 19(2) : 37-40
Chowdhury, M.A.H.; Hossain, S.M.A. and N.M. Talukder.1990. Evaluation of
lentil seed stored under different storage techniques. Prog. Agric. 1(1)
: 32-37
Solaiman, M.Z.; Chowdhury, M.A.H.; A.K. Biswas and M.A. Hashem.1993. Response
of semidwarf wheat cultivars to timings of nitrogen application at different
growth stages. Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res. 36(2-3) : 87-89
Solaiman, M.Z.; Chowdhury, M.A.H. and A.K. Biswas.1993.Interrelationships
in some quantitative traits in semi dwarf wheat cultivars. Thai J. Agril.
Sci. 26 : 21-26
Chowdhury, M.A.H. and A.K.M.S.H. Chowdhury.1990. Effect of irrigation and
fertilizer placement on the growth and yield of potato. Pak. J. Sci. Ind.
Res. 34(2-3) : 98-100
Chowdhury, A.K.M.S.H. and M.A.H. Chowdhury.1990. Effect of sulphur and
method of zinc application on the yield and yield contributing characters
of BR11 rice. Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res. 33(5-6) : 231-233
Chowdhury, M.A.H.1989. Evaluation of the quality of the lentil (Lens culinaris
L) seeds stored under different storage containers. M.Sc. Ag. Thesis. Bangladesh
Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.