Curriculum vitae
A. Personal Details:
Dr. Abu Zofar Md. Moslehuddin
Assistant professor, Department of Soil Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh.
Phone: + 880 91 55695 ext. 2149
Fax: + 880 91 55810
B. Academic background:
1995 - 1998
Kyushu University, Japan
[Thesis title: Mineralogy and Potassium
Chemistry of Bangladesh Paddy Soils.]
1987 - 1990
M.Sc. (Ag.) in Soil Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
[Thesis title: A Detailed Survey
of the Fertility Status of Bangladesh Agricultural University Farm Soils.]
1983 - 1987
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
C. Employment record:
May.1996 - to date
Assistant Professor
Department of Soil Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
Jun.1993 - May.1996
Department of Soil Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.
Sep.1992 - Jun.1993
Scientific Officer
Soil Science Division
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bangladesh
D. Theoretical background:
Subjects taught in different academic levels:
Undergraduate course:
Agronomy, Horticulture, Crop Botany, Soil Science, Agricultural Chemistry,
Entomology, Plant Pathology, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agricultural
Extension Education, Biochemistry, Rural Sociology, Statistics, Animal
Husbandry, Farm Mechanics, Botany, Zoology, Organic Chemistry and Physical
& Analytical Chemistry
Master's course:
Soil Physics, Soil Chemistry, Soil Mineralogy, Soil Fertility, Soil Microbiology,
Soil Genesis, Soil Survey and Classification, Soils of Bangladesh, Design
of Agricultural Experiment.
E. Research expereince:
01 Oct.1995 - 01 Sep.1998
Doctor's Course student, Faculty of Agriculture
Kyushu University, Japan
Research topic: Mineralogy, K chemistry and trace elements status
of Bangladesh paddy soils; and heavy metal pollution of road-side soils
29 Jun.1993 - 30 May.1995
Lecturer, Department of Soil Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
Research topic: Genesis of Bangladesh soils
01 Sep.1992 - 28 Jun.1993
Scientific Officer, Soil Science Division
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bangladesh.
Research topic: Pot experiment on effect of Zn on sorghum and
red amaranth; field experiments on effect of Zn, and some growth regulators
on tomato and cabbage; and uptake of heavy metals by crops from Zn-oxy-sulfate
03 Aug.1991 - 30 Aug.1992
Master's course student, Department of Soil Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
Research topic: Survey on soil fertility status
F. List of publications:
i. Published:
Moslehuddin A.Z.M., Mian, M.H. and Hoque, A.K.M.M. 1995. Fertility status
and fodder production potential of soil from Bangladesh Agricultural University
Animal Farm. Bang. J. Animal Sci., 24, 51-60.
Moslehuddin A.Z.M., Islam, M.S., Sarker, N.I. and Shahiduzzaman, M. 1995.
Response of sorghum, red amaranth, tomato and cabbage to added zinc in
some soils of Bangladesh. Progress. Agric., 6, 47-52.
Moslehuddin, A.Z.M. and Egashira, K. 1996. Mineralogical composition of
some important paddy soils of Bangladesh. Bull. Inst. Trop. Agr., Kyushu
Univ., 19, 33-54.
Moslehuddin, A.Z.M. and Egashira, K. 1997. Characterization of smectites
found in Ganges Floodplain soils of Bangladesh. Clay Sci., 10, 151-162.
Moslehuddin, A.Z.M., Laizoo, S. and Egashira, K. 1997. Fertility status
of Bangladesh soils -- A review. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 41, 257-267.
Moslehuddin, A.Z.M., Laizoo, S. and Egashira, K. 1998. Heavy metal pollution
of soils along three major highways in Bangladesh. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu
Univ., 42, 503-508.
Egashira, K., Hagimine, M. and Moslehuddin, A.Z.M. 1998. Fixed ammonium
in some Bangladesh soils. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 44 (2), 269-272.
ii.In Press/ accepted:
Egashira, K., Hagimine, M. and Moslehuddin, A.Z.M. 1998. Quantity-intensity
relationship for characterizing ammonium chemistry of Bangladesh soils
in reference to clay mineralogy. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 44 (3), in press.
Moslehuddin, A.Z.M. Saheed, S.M. and Egashira, K. 1998. Disappearing trend
of smectite in Ganges Floodplains soils of Bangladesh. Clay Sci., 10 (5)
in press.
Moslehuddin, A.Z.M. and Egashira, K. Potassium chemistry in some important
paddy soils of Bangladesh. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., accepted for publication.
iii. Submitted:
Moslehuddin A.Z.M., Islam, M.S., Hossain, K.M. and Sarker, N.I. Uptake
of cadmium, lead and zinc by different crops from Zn-oxy-sulfate fertilization.
Bang. J. Environ. Sci., submitted for publication.
Moslehuddin, A.Z.M., Laizoo, S. and Egashira, K. Trace elements in Bangladesh
paddy soils. Geoderma, submitted for publication.
Moslehuddin, A.Z.M., Saheed, S.M. and Egashira, K. Mineralogical approach
to interstratification of different river sediments in Meghna Floodplains
soils of Bangladesh. Clay Sci., submitted for publication.
Moslehuddin, A.Z.M., Hussain, M.S., Saheed, S.M. and Egashira, K. Clay
mineral distribution in Bangladesh soils. Geoderma, submitted for publication.
iv. Thesis:
Moslehuddin, A.Z.M. 1993. A Detailed Survey of the Fertility Status of
Bangladesh Agricultural University Farm Soils. M.Sc.(Ag.) thesis, Bangladesh
Agricultural University, Bangladesh.
Moslehuddin, A.Z.M. 1998. Mineralogy and Potassium Chemistry of Bangladesh
Paddy Soils. Ph.D. thesis, Kyushu University, Japan.