Seminars and Meetings
Department of Entomology
During the period of July 1992 - June 1995, the departmental teachers attended
the following seminars and meetings:
- Professor Dr. Monawar Ahmad attended (a) Annual Research Review Meeting of
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur in October 1992, (b) Annual
Conference of the Zoological Society of Bangladesh, Savar, Dhaka in January
1993, (c) JICA-Bangladesh "Joint Study on Rural Development Experiment (JSRAE)"
Seminar, Dhaka in December 1993, (d) Workshop on "Strategic Plan for National
Agricultural Research System (NARS) to the year 2010", Bangladesh Agricultural
Research Council, Dhaka in June 1994, (e) Technical session in the Crop
Diversification Programme (CDP) Workshop, Dhaka in September 1994 and (f) 10
year completion festival of Dipshikha (an NGO), Dinajpur in November 1994.
- Professor Dr. Md. Mohsin Ali Sardar attended the (a) Seminar on Bangladesh &
Agricultural Research in Bangladesh, Danish Institute of Plant & Soil Science,
Denmark in January 1995.
- Professor Dr. Syed Bazlul Huq attended (a) the Annual Conferences of the Zoological
Society of Bangladesh, Atomic Energy Commission Centre, Dhaka, in January, 1993;
(b) The Second Biennial Conferences of the Entomological Society of Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Research Institute, Gazipur in 1994 and © presented a paper in the
International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment held in Hisar,
India, in January, 1995.
- Professor M. Shahjahan attended (a) 1-day technical reviewing meeting to pretest
the Environmental Education and Training Module in Agriculture in March 1995.
- Professor Dr. A.F.M.R.K. Faqir presented paper on (a) the 9th National Biennial
Zoological Conference of the Zoological Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka University,
Dhaka, in January, 1994 and (b) attended the Annual Conference of the Zoological
Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka University, Dhaka, in January, 1995.
- Dr. Md. Azizul Haque attended (a) the 1st Biennial Conference of Crop Science
Society of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh in 1992;
(b) the 6th National Horticulture Convention and Symposium, Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Mymensingh in 1992.
- Dr. Farid A. Talukder presented two papers and two posters in (a) the 6th
International Working Conference on Stored-product Protection, Canberra, Australia
in April, 1994 and (b) the 11th International Society of Chemical Ecology Annual
Meeting, Syracuse, New York, United States of America in June, 1994
- Professor Dr. Monawar Ahmad, Professor Dr. Mosharraf Hossain, Professor Mr. A.K.M.
Mustafizur Rahman, Professor M. Shahjahan, Professor A.B. Khan, Professor Dr.
A.F.M.R.K. Faqir, Dr. Md. Azizul Haque and Mrs. Kazi S. Ahmed attended the (a) 5th
Biennial Conference of the Bangladesh Phytopathological Society, Bangladesh
Agricultural University, Mymensingh in June 1993 and (b) 18th Annual Bangladesh
Science Conference, BAU, Mymensingh in June 1994.