Curriculum vitae
Professor Dr. M. Shahjahan
Department of Entomology
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
Telephone: + 880 (0)91 55 695, ext. 2145
Fax: + 880 (0)91 55 810
1989 - 1995
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
1969 - 1972
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
1964 - 1969
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
Aug.1993 - Present
Professor, Department of Entomology,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
Aug.1986 - Aug.1993
Associate Professor, Department of Entomology,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
Dec.1977 - Aug.1986
Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
Aug.1975 - Dec.1977
Lecturer, Department of Entomology,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
Jun.1971 - May.1973
Junior Lecturer, Department of Entomology,
Bangladesh Agricultural Institute, Dhaka.
- Research Associate, Integrated Rice Research Project, Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh from June, 1973 to August, 1975.
- Investigator, Food Fibre Fuel Pilot Project, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh from April 1986 to April 1987.
- Supervise the research work of M.Sc.(Agric.) students in Entomology.
- Principal Investigator, Development of Technology for Integrated Weed Management in Bangladesh (Entomology Section) Project from January, 1992 to date.
- Conducted researches on host plant resistance, pest control, some aspects of insect toxicology and insect nutrition.
a). Conferences/Meeting:
- Speaker, the FAO/UNDP workshop on the problem of small/ marginal farmers, Mymensingh, 29th March, 1974.
- Speaker, the 2nd Annual Bangladesh Sci. Conf., BAAS, 1977.
- Speaker, the 6th/7th Annual Bangladesh Sci. Conf., BAAS, 1982.
- Speaker, the 11th Annual Bangladesh Sci. Conf., BAAS, 1986.
- Speaker, the 12th Annual Bangladesh Sci. Conf., BAAS, 1987.
- The Regional Workshop on Rice Hispa under SAARC held at BRRI, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh from 28-29 Dec., 1986.
- The 13th Annual Bangladesh Sci. Conf.,BAAS, Dhaka May, 1988.
- Speaker, the 15th Annual Bangladesh Sci. Conf., BAAS, 1990.
- Speaker, the 16th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference, BAAS, 1991 held
at Chittagong University.
- The 17th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference, Institute of Postgraduate
Studies in Agriculture (IPSA), Salna, Gazipur, May, 1992.
b). Training Courses:
- Trained District Plant Protection Inspectors on Pest of rice and their control (Practical) in G.T.I. on 8.1.80.
- Offered training to IRDP officers on the topic Techniques of using insecticides (Practical) in G.T.I. on 12.2.80.
- Offered training to TCCA Inspectors of IRDP on Agriculture, Cooperative and Rural Development on the topic Methods of using insecticides in G.T.I. on 29.3.80.
- Trained Plant Protection Staff from Plant Protection Department on Insect Pests of Pulse and Oil Crops and their control (both theory and practical) in G.T.I. on 20.6.80.
- Trained Inspectors of IRDP on Method of using insecticides in G.T.I. on 9.9.80.
- Delivered lectures to the District Manager (Seed) on the topic Insect pests of Stored grain with special reference to paddy and wheat and theircontrol measures at Staff Training Institute, BADC, Madhupur, Tangail on 13.1.82.
- Delivered a talk entitled Insect Pests of Stored Rice (both husked and unhusked) and their control (both theory and practical) to food officials of the Ministry of Food arranged by the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology on 8.2.83 and 15.2.83.
- Imparted training to farmers of the University Extention area on Pests of stored wheat and their control arranged by Agricultural University Extention Project on 20.3.83.
- Trained Community School Teachers on the topic Insect pests of Vegetables, Fruit and Fruit trees and their control (Theory and Practical) in G.T.I. on 18.5.83 and 19.5.83.
- Imparted training to Farmers and Primary school teachers of the university extention area on Insect pests of winter vegetables and their contro on 22.11.83.
- Trained Subject Matter Officers of Mymensingh Region on the topic Calibration of sprayer technique and considerations in G.T.I. on 14.2.85.
- Trained Field Extention Workers on the introduction of major insect pests of rice and wheat and their control in G.T.I. on 17.2.85.
- Trained Members of the Associate Group of the Caritas Society on the topic Insect pests of the Nursery plant and their control arranged by CARITAS, Mymensingh Region, Mymensingh on 22.10. 92 (Training period 19-23, 1992).
- Academic Exchange Fellowship Programme financed by the Association of Commonwealth Universities, 1989.
- Number of research publications= 24
- Out of these 24 research papers, some papers are on varietal resistance.