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Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology

The Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology was established in 1963 in the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. The major objective of the faculty is to produce competent agricultural economics graduate to cater to the increasing needs of the government and non-government organizations involved in planning and implementation of agricultural and rural development programmes, the agricultural education, research and extension. In order to broaden the scope of career opportunities of the agricultural economics graduates, the curriculam of the Faculty is designed with a balanced mix of courses in agricultural sciences, economics, agricultural economics and related disciplines. The Faculty consists of following five academic departments. At present there are altogether 40 teachers in the Faculty (25 Professors, 5 Associate Professors, 7 Assistant Professors and 3 Lecturers).

  1. Department of Agricultural Economics
  2. Department of Agricultural Finance
  3. Department of Agricultural Statistics
  4. Department of Co-operation and Marketing
  5. Department of Rural Sociology


Address of Correspondence: The Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
Telephone +880 91 52275 (Direct); 55695-7 ext. 2257 (PABX), Fax +880 91 55810